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National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)
The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) is an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community of faculty, postdocs, & graduate students from over 450 colleges and universities. It is 100% dedicated to helping academics thrive in the Academy. It partners with colleges and universities to provide professional development and training resources. The programs and services are designed to help scholars increase their research productivity and work-life balance. NCFDD was founded in 2010 with the mission of Changing the Face of Power in the Academy. They offer memberships both insitutional and individual, faculty programs, and workshops both on-campus and vitrual.
Institutional Membership
Members will receive a weekly motiviational email and access to the full NCFDD Core Curriculum. Additionally, guest expert webinars, intensive multi-week courses facilitated by national experts, a private discussion forum and much more. Take advantage of this opportunity and register to become a institutional memeber at no additional cost. Below are the steps to follow to become and institutional member.
- Go to the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity web page
- Choose "California State University, Sacramento"
- Select "Activate My Membership"
- Complete the registration form by using your Saclink email account
- Go to your Sacramento State email and click "Activate Account" in the confirmation email
If you have any questions or comments please contact the Faculty Success Office, If you are experiencing any techinical issues with the membership or have additional questions you can contact the National Center for Faculty Development and diversity at